
We provide the explanation of the configurations in this file. A KITTI experiment is used as an example. We also provide possible choices in the current framework. We have some unused configurations (will be commented) for our Experiment Version but not used in this Release Version.


  • None: when the choice is None, it means leave the option blank. DON’T put ‘None’, which yaml would recognize as string ‘None’

# ------------------------------------
# Basic setup
# ------------------------------------
dataset: kitti_odom                     # dataset [kitti_odom, kitti_raw, tum-1/2/3, adelaide1/2]
seed: 4869                              # random seed
    height: 192                         # image height
    width: 640                          # image width
    ext: jpg                            # image file extension for data loading
seq: "10"                               # sequence to run
frame_step: 1                           # frame step

# ------------------------------------
# Directories
# ------------------------------------
    result_dir: {RESULT_DIR}            # directory to save result
    img_seq_dir: {IMAGE_DATA_DIR}       # image data directory
    gt_pose_dir: {GT_POSE_DIR}          # (optional) ground-truth pose data directory
    depth_dir: {DEPTH_DATA_DIR}         # (optional) external depth data, e.g. ground-truth depths

# ------------------------------------
# Depth
# ------------------------------------
depth:                                  # Depth configuration
    depth_src:                          # depth source [None, gt]
                                            # None - depth model predition
                                            # gt - use ground truth depth
        network: monodepth2             # depth network
        pretrained_model: {MODEL_DIR}   # directory stores depth.pth and encoder.pth
    max_depth: 50                       # maximum depth
    min_depth: 0                        # minimum depth

# ------------------------------------
# Deep flow
# ------------------------------------
deep_flow:                              # Deep optical flow configuration
    network: liteflow                   # optical flow network, [liteflow]
    flow_net_weight: {FLOW_MODEL}       # optical flow model path
    forward_backward: True              # predict both forward/backward flows and compute forward-backward flow consistency

# ------------------------------------
# Deep Pose (Experiment Ver. only)
# ------------------------------------
deep_pose:                              # Deep pose network configuration
    enable: False                       # enable/disable pose network
    pretrained_model: {MODEL_DIR}       # model directory contains pose_encoder.pth and pose.pth

# ------------------------------------
# Online Finetuning
# ------------------------------------
online_finetune:                        # online fine-tuning configuration
    enable: False                       # enable/disable flow finetuning
    lr: 0.00001                         # learning rate
    num_frames:                         # number of frames to be fine-tuned, [None, int]
    flow:                               # flow fine-tuning configuration
        enable: False                   # enable/disable flow finetuning
        scales: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]         # scales to be used for training
        loss:                           # flow loss configuration
            flow_consistency: 0.005     # forward-backward flow consistency loss weight
            flow_smoothness: 0.1        # flow smoothness loss weight
    depth:                              # depth fine-tuning configuration
        enable: False                   # enable/disable depth finetuning
        scales: [0, 1, 2, 3]            # scales to be used for training
        pose_src: DF-VO                 # pose source for depth-pose finetuning [DF-Vo, deep_pose]
        loss:                           # depth loss configuration
            apperance_loss: 1           # apperance loss weight
            disparity_smoothness: 0.001 # disparity smoothness loss weight
            depth_consistency: 0.001    # depth consistency loss weight
    pose:                               # pose finetuning configuration (with depth)
        enable: False                   # enable/disable pose finetuning

# ------------------------------------
# Preprocessing
# ------------------------------------
crop:                                   # cropping configuration
    depth_crop: [[0.3, 1], [0, 1]]      # depth map cropping, format: [[y0, y1],[x0, x1]]
    flow_crop: [[0, 1], [0, 1]]         # optical flow map cropping, format: [[y0, y1],[x0, x1]]

# ------------------------------------
# Correspondence (keypoint) selection
# ------------------------------------
kp_selection:                           # correspondence selection configuration
    local_bestN:                        # local best-N configuration
        enable: True                    # enable/disable local best-N selection
        num_bestN: 2000                 # number of keypoints
        num_row: 10                     # number of divided rows
        num_col: 10                     # number of divided columns
        score_method: flow              # selection score, [flow, flow_ratio]
                                            # flow: L2 distance of forward-backward flow
                                            # flow_ratio: relative flow difference ratio
        thre: 0.1                       # flow consistency masking threshold
        enable: False                   # enable/disable best-N selection
        num_bestN: 2000                 # number of keypoints
    sampled_kp:                         # random/uniform keypoint sampling
        enable: False                   # enable/disable random/uniform keypoint sampling
        num_kp: 2000                    # number of keypoints
    rigid_flow_kp:                      # keypoint selection from optical-rigid flow consistency (for scale recovery)
        enable: False                   # enable/disable rigid-flow based keypoint selection
        num_bestN: 2000                 # number of keypoints
        num_row: 10                     # number of divided rows
        num_col: 10                     # number of divided columns
        score_method: flow              # selection score, [flow]
        rigid_flow_thre: 3              # masking threshold for rigid-optical flow consistency
        optical_flow_thre: 0.1          # masking threshold for forward-backward flow consistency
    depth_consistency:                  # (Experiement Ver. only) depth consistency configuration
        enable: False                   # enable/disable depth consistency
        thre: 0.05                      # masking threshold

# ------------------------------------
# Tracking
# ------------------------------------
tracking_method: hybrid                 # tracking method [hybrid, PnP, deep_pose]
                                            # hybrid - E-tracker + PnP-tracker;
                                            # PnP - PnP-tracker
                                            # deep_pose - pose_cnn-tracker

e_tracker:                              # E-tracker configuration
    ransac:                             # Ransac configuration
        reproj_thre: 0.2                # inlier threshold value
        repeat: 5                       # number of repeated Ransac
    validity:                           # model selection condition
        method: GRIC                    # method of validating E-tracker, [flow, GRIC]
        thre:                           # threshold value for model selection, only used in [flow]
    kp_src: kp_best                     # type of correspondences to be used [kp_list, kp_best]
                                            # kp_list - uniformaly sampled keypoints
                                            # kp_best - keypoints sampled from best-N / local best method

scale_recovery:                         # scale recovery configuration
    method: simple                      # scale recovery method [simple, iterative]
    ransac:                             # Ransac configuration
        method: depth_ratio             # fitting target [depth_ratio, abs_diff]
                                            # depth_ratio: find a scale s.t. most triangulated_depth/cnn_depth close to 1
                                            # abs_diff: find a scale s.t. abs(triangulated_depth - cnn_depth) close to 0
        min_samples: 3                  # minimum number of min_samples
        max_trials: 100                 # maximum number of trials
        stop_prob: 0.99                 # The probability that the algorithm produces a useful result
        thre: 0.1                       # inlier threshold value
    kp_src: kp_best                     # type of correspondences to be used [kp_list, kp_best, kp_depth]
                                            # kp_list - uniformaly sampled keypoints
                                            # kp_best - keypoints sampled from best-N / local best method
                                            # kp_depth - keypoints sampled after optical-rigid flow consistency masking

pnp_tracker:                            # PnP-tracker configuration
    ransac:                             # Ransac configuration
        iter: 100                       # number of iteration
        reproj_thre: 1                  # inlier threshold value
        repeat: 5                       # number of repeated Ransac
    kp_src: kp_best                     # type of correspondences to be used [kp_list, kp_best, kp_depth]
                                            # kp_list - uniformaly sampled keypoints
                                            # kp_best - keypoints sampled from best-N / local best method
                                            # kp_depth - keypoints sampled after optical-rigid flow consistency masking

# ------------------------------------
# Visualization
# ------------------------------------
visualization:                          # visualization configuration
    enable: True                        # enable/disable frame drawer
    save_img: True                      # enable/disable save frames
    window_h: 900                       # frame window height
    window_w: 1500                      # frame window width
    kp_src: kp_best                     # type of correspondences to be drawn
    flow:                               # optical flow visualization configuration
        vis_forward_flow: True          # enable/disable forward flow visualization
        vis_backward_flow: True         # enable/disable backward flow visualization
        vis_flow_diff: True             # enable/disable forward-backward flow consistency visualization
        vis_rigid_diff: False           # enable/disable optical-rigid flow consistency visualization
    kp_match:                           # keypoint matching visualization
        kp_num: 100                     # number of selected keypoints to be visualized
        vis_temp:                       # keypoint matching in temporal
            enable: True                # enable/disable visualization
        vis_side:                       # keypoint matching side-by-side
            enable: True                # enable/disable visualization
            inlier_plot: False          # enable/disable inlier plot
    trajectory:                         # trajectory visualization configuration
        vis_traj: True                  # enable/disable predicted trajectory visualization
        vis_gt_traj: False              # enable/disable ground truth trajectory visualization
        mono_scale: 1                   # scaling factor to align with gt (if gt is available)
    depth:                              # depth visualization configuration
        use_tracking_depth: False       # enable/disable visualizing depth map used for tracking (preprocessed, e.g. range capping)
        depth_disp: disp                # visualize depth or disparity map [depth, disp]