
DF-VO is a frame-to-frame VO system integrating geometry and deep learning.

Project Structure

This project has the following structure:

    - apis                              # APIs
    - dataset                           # dataset directories
    - envs                              # requirement files to create anaoncda envs
    - docs                              # documentation
    - libs                              # packages
        -                       # core DF-VO program
        - datasets                      # dataset loaders
        - deep_models                   # deep networks
            - depth                     # depth models
            - flow                      # optical flow models
            - pose                      # ego-motion models
        - geometry                      # geometry related operations
        - matching                      # feature matching related packages
        - tracker                       # tracker packages
        - general                       # general functions
    - model_zoo                         # pretrained deep models
    - options                           # configurations
    - scripts                           # scripts for running experiments
    - tools                             # experiment tools, e.g. evaluation